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Pulling Back the Curtain on Public Education

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  • Format: Softcover
  • Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"
  • Length: 160 pages
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • SKU: 10-2-550
  • ISBN: 9781683443247
  • UPC:

A public-school teacher quit his job to reveal what is happening in schools today. Parents need to know what is going on and the conflicts of values their children will face.


At what point can a Christian teacher no longer be part of a public education system that requires them to participate in teaching destructive ideologies and advancing immoral agendas on young children?

John Stamper reached that tipping point as a teacher in the Chicago Public School System and made the decision to quit his job and pull back the curtain on what’s happening in public schools today.

You’ve seen the stories on the news – our national education system has an agenda, being implemented under the guise of fairness, equality, and racial justice to children. However, this book will open your eyes to:

  • The indoctrination process through mandatory teacher training that implements these radical ideologies in schools without parental knowledge
  • The danger and division created by critical race theory and gender theory being promoted in public schools
  • How Marxist, socialist, and communist ideologies are dominating public schools, and how you move forward with homeschooling your children

For generations, teachers have been excellent role models, investing their time and energy into fundamental lessons. However, today a growing number think they, the school board, and their school system know more than parents about what should be taught to students. You need to know what is going on in your child’s school and be prepared for the conflict of values that you may have to face.

You have options.


John Stamper is an educational insider. As a public school teacher, John saw first-hand the harmful effects of Critical Race Theory, Critical Gender Theory and Cultural Marxism being taught in the public school system. He became aware that even though he was a good teacher, doing his best to make a difference in that system, the change needed in American education was bigger than what he, as an individual teacher, could achieve. John's book, Conflicted, offers a strategy that could truly change American education in ways many have not even considered. If you are tired of accepting the status quo of things getting worse and worse in American schools, please read this paradigm-shifting book!

—Israel Wayne, author and conference speaker, founder of Family Renewal


Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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