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Dear Answers in Genesis–Canada supporters—help us reach the next level!

Video outreach: AiG–CA’s catalog of videos has been seen over 21 million times around the world.

Conference outreach: Requests for AiG–CA speaking events have increased directly because of Christian leaders being exposed to our video content.

What that means is that our effort in producing high-quality video content is allowing us to equip an increasingly growing amount of people both here in Canada and around the world all at the same time!

The biggest bottleneck we have in reaching that next level of outreach here in Canada and around the world is our need for two more talented, Christian video editors on our team!

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Help us find our next two AiG–CA team members!

We also have a need for some new equipment, cameras, and video-related software, which would help us increase both the quality and the quantity of our outreach and believer-equipping content to impact even more people with the truth of God’s Word!

Help us double our outreach in the next 12 months!

We have a goal of raising an extra $250K by the end of 2024, and by doing so, we believe that will allow us to fully double our outreach next year in 2025. Thanks so much for your continued prayer support, and if you are able, please contribute to our campaign to help us reach the next level of our ministry goals here in Canada!


Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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