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The Best of Buddy Davis

Written by Buddy Davis
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  • Format: Audio CD
  • Dimensions: 5.5" x 4.75"
  • Ages: All ages
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • SKU: 90-8-013
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

Ten of Buddy’s best musical tracks from five of his classic CDs, all on one special album!


When not performing or recording, Buddy Davis is a full-time "paleo-artist" specializing in building life-size dinosaur sculptures. He has been sculpting dinosaur models for many years and has traveled extensively across the U.S. Buddy's work is internationally known and has been featured in numerous newspapers, magazines, books, and on national radio and television.

We hope you'll enjoy these musical tracks. Listen to samples of each song below.

Song List:

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Hi Buddy,

I wanted to thank you for your music and for teaching our children Gods truth through song.

My children are homeschooled, but we attend a local college for their music lessons. Today my 3 children (12,10,10) took your Songbook into class and asked to be taught to play “Billions of Dead Things”.

He refused to teach them the song, explaining that he believed in evolution. He told them they needed to think for themselves and not believe what they had been told. He told them that he believed we were descended from monkeys. My daughter was amazed! But all she could hear in her head was, ” I don’t believe in evolution, I know creation’s true, I believe that God above created me and you,”

The children came out all smiles, happy to explain that they believed that God was the Creator, and I was overwhelmingly grateful that you had given them tools to refute, and stand, in their first encounter with the evolutionary thought police.

They have loved your music and videos for years. Thanks again for the gift you have used to edify and build up the children.

—Linda C., Illinois


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