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Big Book of History

A 15 foot fold-out time-line from Creation to Modern Computers

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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Dimensions: 9" x 14"
  • Technicality: Children
  • Ages: 7 through 12
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Published: 2011
  • SKU: 10-1-506
  • ISBN: 9780890516232
  • UPC:

Learning just became big fun! Families, schools, and churches can unfold 15 feet of the most interesting history of the world.

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Learning just became big fun!

Families, schools, and churches can unfold 15 feet of the most interesting history of the world. This new, easy-to-follow, color-coded, multi-stream timeline teaches all six thousand years of world history to children and adults! In addition to the biblical chronology, these illustrated facts and so much more wait inside.


  • who the first emperors of China and Rome were
  • what archeological find unlocked the secrets of a forgotten language
  • how modern robotics had its roots in the tea dolls of Japan
  • where Christians faced death for the entertainment of thousands
  • and how the Age of Discovery meant wealth for some, and the destruction of civilization of others.
  • the 969-year-old man who shared the true history of the world with Noah
  • the first ancient inventions and discoveries of chocolate, yo-yos, batteries, movies, and more!

Did you know...

Thomas Edison is known for inventing a working light bulb, but do you know he also invented the first talking dolls and helped to create an early and commercially-successful form of movies? He also started the first movie studio, and probably the most unique. It was built so that the whole building could be turned in a circle during the day to get the most sunlight!

Designed to share the most details in a colorful collection of important facts and interesting photos, it can be an effective educational resource or enjoyed just for fun! Understanding how the past shapes the future will inspire young learners to make history for themselves. Adults love it too!


Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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