Kay Arthur (of Precept Bible Study) and Janna Arndt take young people on an adventure to teach them to defend creation and the Christian faith.
Bible study is serious fun! The Discover 4 Yourself Bible Studies for Kids help you find out for yourself what the Bible is all about—and give you exciting ways to do it! The best inductive studies for kids, these hands-on books help teach the basic skills of Bible study and prepare you for a lifetime of discovering God’s word.
Join inductive dig team members Max, Molly, and archeologist Uncle Jake in their latest action-adventure as they uncover what happens after God creates a perfect world.
You’ll sift through Genesis chapters 3-11, using tools like hieroglyphic decoders, pottery shard puzzles, and scientific experiments. Does the world stay perfect for long? Discover the truth about some of the world’s big “firsts”—the first marriage, first sin, first marriage, first civilization, and first genealogy. And have we seen the last of the dinosaurs? Come along for a second-to-none adventure!
Set your compass for site Genesis, where digging up the past holds the key to a future of growing in God’s Word.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.