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The Fossil Record

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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Dimensions: 8.5" x 11.25"
  • Length: 192 pages
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: All ages
  • Publisher: Institute for Creation Research
  • Published: 2010
  • SKU: 10-2-385
  • ISBN: 9780932766984
  • UPC:

Evolutionists rely on the fossil record for support of their theory, but what does that record really reveal? ICR geologist Dr. John Morris and zoologist Frank Sherwin unearth the evidence of earth's history and conclude that the fossil record is incompatible with evolution, but remarkably consistent with the biblical account of creation and the great Flood of Noah's day.


The debate over creation and evolution shows no sign of letting up. Many have become aware that this is a seminal issue—perhaps the most important of our day. They see it as a worldview battleground, one that cannot be ignored.

Most people in the Western world know only the evolutionary interpretation of earth’s history. Naturalism enjoys a virtual monopoly in today’s classrooms, while instructors who have been schooled only in a naturalistic worldview play the part of evolutionary evangelists.

The Fossil Record thoroughly examines the evidence to determine which worldview—creation or evolution—presents the most accurate portrayal of earth’s early history. Did life spontaneously generate and then mutate over millions of years, or was life supernaturally created at one time and in the basic forms that exist today? Geologist Dr. John Morris and zoologist Frank Sherwin describe what should be found in the fossil record for each theory and then look at the record to see what it actually reveals.

What they find is that the claim that fossils document evolution is simply not true. The fossil record presents a very different message, one supportive of the creation worldview. It speaks of exquisite design in every once-living thing, not random development solely through natural processes. There is no hint of an evolutionary “simple to complex” history, for life was complex from the very start. The fossils testify to the biblical history of recent creation, the Curse due to Adam’s sin, and the great Flood of Noah’s day.

The evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record holds power only if the alternative is censored. But censorship is not truth; there is a better way to think. Adopting evolutionary naturalism as one’s faith and guideline for life makes no sense if there is a God who has spoken. This book can help you examine the evidence and discover the Creator of all things.

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