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Guide to Creation Basics

List Price: $32.99
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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Dimensions: 8.75" x 11.25" x 0.5"
  • Length: 120 pages
  • Technicality: Children
  • Ages: 10 and up
  • Publisher: Institute for Creation Research
  • Published: 2013
  • SKU: 10-2-438
  • ISBN: 9781935587156
  • UPC:
What can God's creation tell me about its Creator? If the things scientists write oppose what the bible says, whom do I believe and why? Why is the world so perfectly fit for life but at the same time full of imperfections? All these questions and more are answered in this colorful examination of creation basics!


Why should we study God’s creation? In short, it’s because that investigation will help answer some of our most significant questions about life, the world, its origin, its purpose, and ultimately why we are here. This comprehensive guide, authored by creationist scientists and scholars, is loaded with hundreds of full-color illustrations — the one book you need to teach creation! Topics include: the Flood, the fossil record, Mount St. Helens, carbon dating, problems with the "big bang", recent creation of the universe, life's all-or-nothing design, dinosaurs in Scripture, myths and fallacies, Genesis and the curse, design and order in creation, and the uniqueness of humans.


Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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