Dig deep into the issues presented by a cultural shift toward Marxism and prepare your high school and college students for the faith battle they will likely face on college campuses and beyond.
A false gospel of Marxism permeates today’s cultures, classrooms, and even churches—placing increasing pressure on Christians who hold to biblical authority. Drawing on insights from Scripture, history, and the persecuted church, Modern Marxism helps everyday Christians understand and respond to these realities from the foundation of God’s Word beginning in Genesis.
Buy IndividuallyWith sessions spanning 15 weeks, the Prepare to Thrive Study unites different generations of believers around the common purpose of equipping students to keep and live out a strong biblical worldview in college and beyond.
To be used with the Prepare to Thrive book.
Buy IndividuallyIt’s no secret that on the spiritual battlefield of colleges and universities, countless church-raised students walk away from their childhood faith before graduation. How can Christian students prepare for—and survive—the worldview battle in real classrooms? Discover field-tested strategies in this survival guide.
Buy IndividuallyAnswers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.