This 12-week curriculum explores the global flood from an apologetics perspective. Students will develop a deeper understanding of God’s Word and dig deep into key themes, details, and evidence supporting the biblical flood account so they can effectively respond to skeptical questions.
This 12-lesson curriculum explores the real history of Noah, the ark, and the global flood as recorded in Genesis. Each lesson features a video, engaging questions, and bonus materials to uncover the truth of this fascinating biblical account.
Students will examine God’s attributes, the evidence for a global flood, and how Noah could have built the ark and cared for the animals. Along the way, they’ll see the Bible’s reliability and its connection to science and history, equipping them to defend their faith and trust in God’s Word.
This teacher kit includes: Digital access to video lessons, 1 Teacher Guide, and 1 Student Guide. Designed for pre-teens and teens (ages 11–16).
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.