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Wonders of the Human Body Volume 1

The Musculoskeletal System | The Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems | The Nervous System

Written by Dr. Tommy Mitchell
List Price: $56.99
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  • Format: Softcover
  • Dimensions: 8.5" x 11"
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Grade: 9 - Adult
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Published: 2022
  • SKU: 10-1-888
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

The Wonders of the Human Body Series is an exploration of the awe-inspiring creation that is the human body. Nothing else in the universe is quite like it! Your body is delicate yet powerful, incredibly complex but at times amazingly simple. We will explore the structure, function, and regulation of the body in detail.


The Wonders of the Human Body Series is an exploration of the awe-inspiring creation that is the human body. Nothing else in the universe is quite like it! Your body is delicate yet powerful, incredibly complex but at times amazingly simple. We will explore the structure, function, and regulation of the body in detail. In Volume One you will discover:

The Musculoskeletal System. The first unit opens with the building blocks of your body—the cells. Your body is built from many kinds of cells and tissues, and you will learn how they work. Even the bones and muscles that give you strength and speed depend on many types of cells.

The Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems. The second unit covers the incredible design of the human heart, including how blood moves through an incredible network of arteries and veins and how the respiratory system allows us to get the “bad air out “ and the “good air in!”

The Nervous System. The third unit teaches you about how nerve signals are generated throughout the body, the structure of the brain and how it processes input from the body, our senses of sight, hearing, and taste, and more!

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