This book is an eye-opening journey through Scriptures that are especially key for new believers and those interested in learning about Christianity. Start learning deep truths about Christ and the Bible today!
Begin is an eye-opening journey through Scriptures that are especially key for new believers and those interested in learning about Christianity. Discover the promises of Jesus and the expectations that come in your relationship with Him. You’ll enjoy a quick and concise presentation of core concepts that help cement your faith’s foundation. With insights from Genesis 1-11 (the foundation), Exodus 20:1-17 (the Ten Commandments), John (the Gospel), Romans (a letter from Paul to Christians), and Revelation 21-22 (the fulfillment in heaven), Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge present a foundational overview that you can build your Bible study upon!
This publication contains The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
“This book contains excerpts from God’s Word beginning in Genesis to communicate a time-line of history from the beginning of time to Christ, and then to the New Heavens and New Earth to come. The Bible’s message starting with Genesis is all about what God has done for the salvation of humankind. This book, using passages from Genesis to Revelation, seeks to give that vital message in summary form so that people will get a ‘big picture’ understanding of the gospel—and be challenged to recognize their need of receiving Christ into their life as Lord and Savior.
I believe this book will be blessed by God to become a powerful evangelistic resource to reach a skeptical culture with the precious gospel message.”
— Ken Ham, President/CEO and Founder of Answers in Genesis-U.S.
The CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis-US, and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and the world-renowned Ark Encounter, Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America. Resources by Ken Ham .
A wonderful introductory book for those who desire to understand the overarching biblical picture. It is a perfect resource for the new Christian, or anyone desiring an overview of the Bible….
…Thank you thank you thank you! for the new book “Begin.” I was searching for some study that I could use for our “Bible Curriculum” this year in homeschooling, that would give my children an overall thorough picture of the Word and what we believe. I looked on your website and there it was! We just got our copy in the mail today and started going through it. After the children went to bed, I couldn't help going over the whole book from cover to cover. I can hardly wait to go through more tomorrow with the children! ;) We had already been working on reading through Genesis before I found out about the book, and now they’ll be getting even more out of the study. Love the 10 things a Christian should know section, at the end of the book. Blessings to you who bring “Good News!”
”Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.