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The Expanse of Heaven

Where Creation & Astronomy Intersect

Written by Dr. Danny Faulkner; Foreword by Dr. Don DeYoung
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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Dimensions: 6" x 9"
  • Length: 400 pages
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Published: 2017
  • SKU: 10-2-493
  • ISBN: 9781683440987
  • UPC:

In this unique book, Dr. Danny Faulkner gives an application of the biblical model of creation to the science of astronomy.


Intended as a companion book to The Created Cosmos: What the Bible Reveals About Astronomy, the new book, The Expanse of Heaven: Where Creation and Astronomy Intersect, is a comprehensive treatment of astronomy, interpreted within the biblical model of creation. It begins with a chapter on ancient cosmologies, and concludes with a chapter on modern cosmology. In between are chapters on the appearance of astronomical bodies in the sky, discussions of the moon, the earth and other planets in the solar system, the sun, the stars, our Milky Way Galaxy and other galaxies. Evolutionary theories are described and critiqued, while creationary theories are explained. Evidence for design and recent origin is presented. This unique book is intended for general reading by lay audiences, but it can be adapted as a textbook on astronomy.

  • You will learn how unique the earth is in the universe
  • You will see incredible design in the moon, the sun, and other astronomical bodies
  • You will better understand the role of evolutionary and creationary theories in astronomy today

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