Discover why Noah probably needed only a few thousand animals, and how he and his family could have cared for all life on the Ark during the flood.
How was it possible for Noah to bring aboard 2 million animals on the Ark, or were there perhaps less than 7,000? You'll find the answer to one of the most difficult questions concerning the long voyage of Noah's Ark. Discover why Noah probably needed only a few thousand animals, and how he and his family could have cared for all life on the Ark during the Flood.
Within this engaging, fun, and educational book, you will:
Though it is often considered a difficult concept to understand, these beautifully illustrated pages clearly show the historical reliability of God’s Word. The Creator saved at least two of every kind of living land animal, along with Noah and his family!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.