Take your students deeper into how the universe began, how it works and how things like black holes, dark matter and gravity are used by God to sustain his creation.
The focus of this text is on what is known as “astrophysics.” This goes a little deeper into how the universe began, how it works, and how things like black holes, dark matter, and gravity are used by God to sustain His creation.
Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University and taught at the University of South Carolina Lancaster for over 26 years. He serves as editor of the Creation Research Society Quarterly and has published over 100 papers in various journals. He now works as a researcher, author, and speaker for Answers in Genesis.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.