Jesus Christ is the most famous man in human history, but exactly who was He? Some say a fable; others think just one option among many good teachers, or even a nice guy who taught morals. Do any of these descriptions capture the totality of who He was? Jesus Unmasked goes directly to the world’s greatest expert on Jesus Christ, Jesus Himself!
How much does God hate sin and how much does He love you? If you ever doubt how kind, good, and loving God is, look at the Cross. Jesus’ brutal death on the Cross is God’s greatest and clearest demonstration of His holy wrath and perfect love.
Jesus Christ is the most famous man in human history, but exactly who was He? Some say a fable; others think just one option among many good teachers, or even a nice guy who taught morals. Do any of these descriptions capture the totality of who He was? Jesus Unmasked goes directly to the world’s greatest expert on Jesus Christ, Jesus Himself:
When you encounter Jesus Unmasked, you will not be ambivalent. Jesus gives us clarity and insight into the nature of God. Interact with what Jesus taught about Himself and draw your own conclusions to the world’s most important question: “Who is the real Jesus?”
Jesus Unmasked will silence any Bible critic.
Jesus Unmasked will blast a bright light into a dark and dying world. Give Jesus Unmasked to the atheist in your life.
Jesus Unmasked unveils the gospel throughout the entire Bible. It powerfully demonstrates that Christ is the focus of all of Scripture and that all of history is His-story!
”Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.