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The Lie, Six Days, and Glass House Combo

List Price: $61.97
$46.99 Sale
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  • Format: Pack
  • Dimensions:
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • SKU: 91-7-124
  • ISBN:
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Get combo savings on three of Ken Ham's inspiring apologetics classic books. An excellent collection for anyone who wants to defend the full authority and accuracy of the Bible from its very first verse.

What’s Included $62 value

  • Glass House

    Evolutionists try to convince others that their evolutionary world is built on solid foundations, while they distract us from the fact that their house is only made of glass… and the glass is breaking.

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  • Six Days

    Destined to be an apologetics classic! Today, most Bible colleges, seminaries, Christian schools—even parts of the homeschool movement—do not accept the first eleven chapters of Genesis as literal history. Many teachers try to convince those who sit under their tutelage that Genesis is symbolic, or that somehow millions of years can be fit in, and that God really did use evolution to create the universe.

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  • The Lie: Evolution/Millions of Years

    Here is the revised, expanded, and updated edition for the 25th anniversary year. Its message of biblical authority is even more relevant today.

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Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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