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Christmas Playssee all

Looking for a good Christmas program?

Are you frustrated every year in looking for a fun, solid, biblical Christmas program for your church or school (for either children or adults)? Look no further—your search is over!

Our biblical worldview school, Answers Academy, found it difficult to find a Christmas program that meets our needs. Most Christmas programs out there are what we consider “fluff ‘n stuff”—they have very little biblical teaching. Instead, their focus is on entertainment and cuteness instead of content. Of course we want our programs to be enjoyable and fun, but you can do this without compromising the content!

Because of the lack of good, meaty, biblical Christmas dramas, we decided to write our own Christmas programs every year, led by our fine-arts teacher, Mrs. Lindsay Finley.

What was the outcome?

A fun, entertaining Christmas drama that has a different focus each year. These dramas are built on biblical teaching that dives into many historical aspects that answer questions plaguing today’s society. It is a great learning experience for both the students and audience as these programs take them to a deeper biblical look at the different aspects of the Christmas account with the gospel message coming across loud and clear.

We don’t want to keep our Christmas program to ourselves—we want to share this information with other Christians so they can utilize it in their local programs at church or school.

We’ve done the hard work in creating it. Now we want to see many Christian programs use it for the spread of the gospel message to create a global impact for Christ!

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Get biblical and scientific truths about all human life and discover the hope and forgiveness that can only be found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Visit the Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit at the Creation Museum.

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Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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